Our Story
Naturally hooked is a site dedicated to three of my favorite passions, natural hair care, crocheting, and mixology. On this site you will find easy to follow hair tutorials and tips for any naturalista at any point on their hair journey. You will also find links to some of the best crochet patterns out there, all tested by me. I may even sneak in a pattern or two of my own. And finally, you will find approachable and fabulous AF cocktail recipes and tutorials.
Naturally Hooked started in 2012 as a blog/diary as a way to document my transition from relaxed to natural hair. The blog was called “In the Pursuit of Nappyness”. I get stopped frequently when out and about by people wanting to know “how do you get your hair to do that?” so in the last year I began making video tutorials for folks because it is really hard to explain my process while standing in line at the grocery store. 😊.
The crochet portion of Naturally Hooked started as a way for me to catalogue my crochet projects. My mother was an avid crocheter and taught me to crochet when I was a young girl. I put it down and didn’t pick it back up until I was pregnant with my oldest son 10 years ago. I started crocheting things for him and never looked back. I decided that in addition to keeping track of my own work I would share the awesome patterns that I come across with other people interested in crocheting as well. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I have. In the last year I even started writing some patterns of my own.
Then there is my never-ending quest for the perfect cocktail. My first foray into mixology happened when I worked as a waitress at a comedy club. One night the bartender quit and a star was born. That job led to another bartending gig at a night club. Those were some of the most fun employment experiences of my life. During that time, I learned a lot about mixing drinks and am always experimenting with completely new flavor combinations and twists on classic bartending staples. Making drinks can be intimidating if you don’t know what you are doing, so here I will share some user-friendly and delectable recipes and tutorials to keep your party going.
Who am I you ask? My name is Kimberly Tartt-Godbolt. Now I know that is a mouthful. Most people that know me call me Kim or TG. I am a psychologist by trade, a mom of two wild curly headed boys, and photography assistant to my amazing husband, Tarus. I was born into crocheting thanks to my mother, thrown into the natural hair world due to post-partum shedding, and stumbled my way into the world of bartending thanks to an impulsive coworker’s resignation. So that’s me in a nutshell; always up for a new adventure and happy to share what I have learned along the way.
Natural Hair posts you may enjoy:
Crochet posts you may enjoy:
Cocktail posts you may enjoy: